Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Steps Beach

Sitting here thinking about what topic would be appropriate for my inaugural post, I considered all sorts of things.  And places.  And restaurants.  I will--eventually--get to all of them.  But, at the end of the day, Nantucket is about the beach.  The ocean.  ACK (secret code language for Nantucket--more on this in another blog post!) is an island after all...

I would rather be up against a firing squad than have to demarcate "The Best Nantucket Beach."  As if any of them were bad?  So, I am going to pick my favorite beach since this is my Nantucket blog :)

Steps Beach is undoubtedly one of the island's finest, highlighted with stunning views of Nantucket Sound
They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  I think this one is worth a million.  Steps Beach is not only my favorite beach, it's one of my absolute favorite places anywhere on the island.  This is Nantucket at her best: ocean views, sand dunes, boat traffic, attractive architecture, beach roses, and serenity.  Especially stunning at dawn and dusk, Steps Beach is a must-see for any Nantucket initiate.

Located on top of "The Cliff", Steps Beach is in close proximity to the heart of Town.  Marked by a "Welcome to Steps Beach" boulder, this lovely spot is reached via Lincoln Circle.  From Town, take Cliff Road west and make a right onto Highland Avenue, followed by a left onto Lincoln.  Just look for the boulder.  Oh, and about two dozen bicycles!  Surf here is minimal which is a plus since Steps Beach is unguarded.  There are no bathrooms or concessions here.  However, Jetties Beach has all of those things and is just a few hundred yard-walk along the shore to the northeast (walk guessed it...the jetty).  So in summary, Steps Beach is highly recommended--especially in June when your descent down the staircase will be perfumed with roses.
This boulder on Lincoln Circle marks the entrance to the beach pathway

Typical summer scene at Steps Beach

Steps Beach and the adjacent dunes and bluffs are loaded with Rosa rugosa bushes:  wild "beach roses" that perfume the air with their cinnamon-like scent.  Rugosas are in full-bloom for the entire month of June and bloom intermittently all summer thereafter.

Some of Nantucket's choicest real estate is located on Lincoln Circle at the top of Steps Beach

Looking west

THAT is why it's called Steps Beach!

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